Saturday, January 19, 2008

He's not even in his terrible 2's YET!!!!!!!!

Carter was watching his favorite show Signing Time and being so good , so I leave the room just for a minute to use the restroom. This is what I found when I came out.


YES, he is on the kitchen table, spreading my mail all over the place and coloring on it.
(he climbed onto the chair,then to the table)
He is only 17 months old and lately he has been doing everything we've been teaching him not to do. Just a few weeks ago, he obeyed us. This kid definitely has a personality and knows when to use. (when he's getting in trouble of course) How can you get mad at that face!?!?!? I'm trying!


Anonymous said...

He does look adorable in that picture! The same thing happened to one of my good frineds..her little girl was about the same age and it all started with letting her play in the milk powder bins. After that it was all down hill to a mischief girl.
I don't have any advice..I'm not quite there yet, but he sure looks adorable and I'm sure your doing great!

Anonymous said...

taeya! thanks for leaving a note on my blog! i left one for you a couple of months ago, but then didn't hear back, so i didn't want to bug you. anyways, i will add you to my blog!:)

Alec and Tiffany said...

Taeya, it was so good to get your comment. Yes, Alec and I got married in November. A story like you and Kameron! My sister is doing really good, she is living in vegas and enjoying it. How is Cory? When does he come home?