Sunday, February 17, 2008

Our Relationship TAG!!!!

Relationship Tag:

*What is his full name? Kameron Gene Patrick Francom

*How long have we been married? 3 yrs & something (look up above)

*How long did we date? almost 4 yrs. (since High School)

*Who said I love you first? He did. & only after 4 wks of dating,I waited 6 months to say it back!
*Sings better? Neither really.

*Who is smarter? Kameron is smarter.

*Who pays the bills? ME!!! but I'm making him start. Too much stress (i used to not stress until now, Money is hard lately)

*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do now but for 2 1/2 yrs He did. We changed spots because Kam hates our mattress now.

*Who mows the lawn? Lawn? What Lawn? It's hard to find a yard in vegas now (but in Cedar City he did, & shoveled snow).

*Who cooks dinner? I usually do most of the time, every know & then he will. & He BBQs.

*Who drives? Kameron....he hates my driving. & I love to drive ,But I think I'm a good driver (just ignore the traffic ticket in my purse tag LOL)

*Who’s more stubborn? We are both pretty good about giving into eachothers wants but Kameron is more stubborn then me by far! (if we had to pick)

*Who kissed who first? Kameron kissed me the night we meet, I pulled away & said "you don't even know me very well yet!", then he tryed again & I kissed him back because I had the biggest crush on him & wasn't sure if I would get the chance again to kiss him.

*Who asked who out? Well kind of me because I was hanging out w/ a good friend of his and told him to bring some friends like Kameron etc. for my girl friends but that was just so I could get to know Kameron better. We got together that night, & been together since. His friend wasn't too happy at first. (opps).

*Who proposed? Kameron. In Rome, Italy (Lucky me!)
*Who has more siblings? I do by one little bonus brother.

*Who wears the pants in the family? We share the pants. But sometimes Kameron doesn't always fit into my size! LOL =)

~I take Kameron for granted, He is such a good Husband & Father. We are definitely seeing that marriage is getting harder and something you need to remember to work at! Getting married so young, then pregnant didn't give us time to think about what we want in life. (which Kameron is starting to really figure out now job wise,finally) But we do know that we want eachother in our lives!!