Sunday, March 16, 2008


Kameron & I have been getting better about date night. Before Carter we would always go but then we started slacking and not making it a priority. I'm so glad we have now....It has made our relationship even stronger! Here are some silly pictures of us at the movies.(sorry about the bad flash)
**Here's to us having fun together!!!!

(This picture is a little freaky kam!)



Kindermusik with Celeste said...

Kameron actually looks pretty in White!

Alec and Tiffany said...

Date nights are the best! It looks like you guys had a great time.

Baldwin Fam said...

Definitely LOVE date nights! By the end of the week, I tend to think they are well deserved hours off. :)

Anonymous said...

those are fun pictures! hooray for date nights. they are so important!! :)