Sunday, March 9, 2008

SHE'S GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Kameron's older sister, Sarah, just got engaged a few weeks ago! We are so excited for her! The groom's name is Eric and he is really good guy & they are perfect for each other.
Plus Sarah has never even givin another guy a chance longer then 3wks! LOL So this one must be Special they have been dating for almost a year now!

They live in Austin, Texas. and When Carter was first born Sarah couldn't come visit for a few months to see him so we sent her this picture of carter & his Aunt Sarah (we thought it was pretty cute & funny!)

Congratulations Sarah & Eric!!! Welcome to the family ERIC!!!!!!!!! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I love the Carter and Aunt Sarah's picture...LOL. The picture is about as big as he is.