An acquaintance told me she has a Tmobile phone that she no longer uses because she changed companies. She told me it was a side kick (so I was so excited, those are expense, nice phones)
So I get it & it was total BLINGED OUT!!!!!!!
She kind of ruined the phone by using a little too much of her BEDAZZLER!

"ruined" it? No...just increased the value!
ha ha, she must have been pretty bored one night :)
I wish I had that much bling in my life!!
Taeya, it's totally you!!! LOL!! That's so funny! Your family looks so great! Carter is getting so big!! He is a little boy now! I can't believe how fast time flies. Glad everything is good!
wow...that's an acquired taste. It's kind of crazy to look
That thing looks like a computer! How big is it? Oh, and don't worry about the jeweled look, didn't you hear, the 80's a making a come back. :)
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