My brother in-law just graduated today from Dental school at UCLA! But for the Cragun family school is not over yet, they are headed to Florida where Jake will continue two more years of school to specialize in endodontists!

and lets not forget my Big Sis who has stuck through it all! What an amazing person she is!
Not only her husband gone all the time & studying 24/7. They had to deal with raising a 5 year old, deaf child and the last baby in the hospital for a few months! This family deserves the best. and the best will soon be here...look how fast dental school went!!!!!! =)
You made me cry! Thanks for the shout out! I was so surprised to click on your blog and see a pic of Jakey! That really meant a lot to him.
I love you and will miss you so much. Thanks for always willing to answer the phone when I call to talk about the most random things, while never letting you get a word in. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come out and see us! Thanks for being awesome.
Tagged you!
Hi, I just read your comment, don't know how I missed
it forever. Anyways, I just got Cory's picture done at
Office Max. Since it was only his top half, and he is
6 feet tall, they made it 3 feet. Then I bought that foamboard (like you use for Science projects) and
glued the picture on it and used an exacto knife and
cut it out myself. They charge you a ton if they do it
for you, so I did it myself. It's pretty easy. I wish I
had done the whole body. I helped Sona do a full size one of Trevor for Brady's wedding and it turned out
good. Take care, sorry it took I'm barely getting back to you. Hope it's not too late.
Oh yeah, I need a Handy Man! Do you know of any good ones? jk What kind of stuff does your hubby
do? Can you give me his number? Thanks.
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