Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's all FUN till someone gets STUCK!

Don't worry, he's fine!


Kindermusik with Celeste said...

Uh, that would be my fault! Sorry about the busted crib that I gave Mom. And nothing says a "great Mom" like one who pulls out the camera when their child is crying for help! :)

Danielle said...

That is so hilarious! I love the comment at the bottom, "Don't worry, he's fine!"

Chase + Destiny said...

I love how he is so happy in the first few pictures, then he turns mad/sad! haha poor thing!

Courtney M said...

hahahah That is so funny! "Don't worry he's fine" hahah sounds like something I would say.

Baldwin Fam said...

That's hilarious!