Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fun Tradition

Kameron's family has a tradition of always cutting down their own Christmas trees. I love this tradition, it's always family fun!!!Cold but Fun! *Those of you that are all about the Going Green~I am too! Cutting your own tree is not all that bad, it's actually 1000x better then the chemicals that go into making a fake tree that enter the planet then cutting down a tree. So instead of SAVE a tree...it's PLANT a tree. Which is another tradition we are starting every year! =)


J.Frey said...

What a fun tradition! But where is the snow?

lauren said...

how fun , i love that suzie tell her i miss her ... and i miss you to taeya!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun tradition. My family and I use to do it, until the year we went through 3 trees. They dried out and died. Now we are an artifical tree family.
Hey, question..are you in the Cheyenne Ridge ward? We just bought a bouse off Cheyenne and the 215 and that's suppose to be the ward we are in. We move this week:). It would be fun it that's your ward!