Friday, November 14, 2008

The Mail Man Delivers!

A patient of mine was giving away puppy Labradors. I just knew I had to get one! My parents have a beagle name Stockton (after John Stockton, the NBA basketball for the Jazz). Kameron and I not being able to keep the puppy, I have always told my parents that Stockton needed a friend. So we surprised them with leaving Malone (that's what we named him since he is black, get it?) at their door. My mom wasn't very happy with me but my dad and little brother were soooooo excited! Isn't he Cute?!?!? Kameron and I didn't want to give him up just after 5 minutes with him.We feel in love... But we knew my little brother would take care of him!

Stockton and Malone getting to know eachother! They will be the bestest friends! =)

Mom & Dad.....
Your Welcome!

1 comment:

Chase + Destiny said...

soo cute!! I want a puppy soo bad!!