<-1998 2007->
*5 things that were on my to do list today (My day off...well I ended up getting asked if I would go into work because one girl was sick) 1. Try to get out of bed before Noon!(which i didn't,went into work at 1pm ) 2. Wash my car (didn't accomplish because I went into work & slept 'till 12pm) . 3.Start another diet (lol) & workout ( ummm nope, didn't accomplish either). Go to my moms( again,went to work instead,slept 'till noon) 5. Go to the Cimarron basketball game (Varsity team against the Faculty) Don't get hurt DAD & Danielle!!!! (**yes,I went,It was really Fun!!!!)
*What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire... Funny that this question has come about because I was talking to my sister Celeste the other day about her family moving back here to Las Vegas after her husband graduates from Specializing in Dental school. They really want to move back here but they are a little worried about the Deaf programs for their son, Logan. The deaf community here isn't very good. Anyways, I ask her almost everyday..."Now, your coming back to Vegas to open Jake's practice,right??? & she said YES pretty for sure because they want to open a Deaf Clinic School here in Las Vegas,(like the one Logan is attending right now in california) & hopefully have raised enough funds to make it FREE. So I would donate whatever it take to help them open a clinic that is important to them and will help other people. NEXT, I Would buy a Cabin & Beach house for all of of family to use & get to together on Holidays & weekends.Buy a lot of fun toys and I'm likely to blow alot of the money because I love to shop for anything & everything for me and everyone!!!
That's my nephew Logan feeling the vibration on the speaker to know the music is playing!
(he so cute!)
*3 of my bad habits....1. REALITY T.V. 2. Junk food 3. Picking at my face.
*5 places I have lived..(How about 3 places). 1. Las Vegas, Nevada 2. Cedar City, Utah 3.Las Vegas again
*5 jobs that I have had....1. Orthodontic assistant (current) 2. Dance Teacher 3. Receptionist 4.Babysitter 5. The best job ever...Being a MOM & WIFE!!!!
*5 things people don't know about me...1. I love to read. 2. In 6th grade I tried to do a home kit perm and fried most of my hair off!!! 3. I would love to learn how to play the guitar. 4. I'm really shy when it comes to all attention on me things like: Dancing by myself, Giving a talk or lesson in front of people etc! 5. I can't watch scary movies anymore because I have nightmares!??
Yay for no more scary movies!!
How fun to learn more about you! I agree about the scary movies. I thought nightmares were suppose to end when we grew up...
That was fun to learn all that stuff! That picture of you from 10 years ago is great! Can you do me a favor and just remove my last name from your links? I'm trying to get my private stuff off the internet! Thanks!
What about mooning cars and girls in the locker room in middle school?-D
You are funny Taeya. That was fun to read. Who was the boy you beat up in 7th grade?? haha
seriously, i used to watch scary movies all the time when i was little, now...no way!! i would have too many nightmares!
this was a fun tag to read!:)
I just saw the post on the RS page. My e-mail is veronicahansen22@aol.com
Did you move yet?
I thought I'd leave a reply to your question on my blog here as I don't have your email and I'm not sure if you subscribed to that post. Anway, the Rice girls are my cousins! Our mom's are sisters and I spent every summer down here with them when we were kids. Jessica and I are the same age. They are a super fun family.
You can add me ONLY if I can add you!!! We sure have been running into each other lately. Good to see you around.
Can't believe you beat up a boy? Whew. You had guts. Thanks so much for offering to bring a meal. I really do have the time to cook for us. But if you really want to, just give me a call the day of. And Happy late Birthday!!!
Right on for blowing the money on shopping, I'd be tempted to go the same route. And definitely ditto on the scary movies!
That was a cute tag..and way fun to learn all that stuff about you. I can't believe you beat up a boy, you seem way to nice for that! I agree with opening up a deaf clinic here, Vegas doesn't really have a lot of kid friendly things here. When I become NVP in Arbonne I will totally give you the funds to do that so your sister can move back:).
I'm thinking of going to kick at 11:30 on Monday, let me know if you want to join:)
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