Saturday, February 2, 2008


Our little brother turns 9yrs old today! THE BONUS KID IN OUR FAMILY! =) He is truly one of the best brothers and uncle anyone can ask for. The kid has it all...Looks,personality, athletic skills, and heart! I love you little bro! Thanks for being such a good example to Carter and the rest of your nephews!

(Ty gave me The Best Sister Grammy Award at Christmas)

*I don't think the other 2 sisters got one!??!!? or did they TY?


Anonymous said...

okay, these pictures are so cute! i just left a post on celeste's blog saying that in some of those pictures tyler reminds me so much of danielle.!:)

Life these days...... said...

lol... he does remind me of Danielle too! (danielle needs to get a blog)

Kindermusik with Celeste said...

Oh, that's so sad. I actually got a "I think you are the best sister altough I gave this same award to my other two sisters just to make them feel better" grammy award.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I thought I was the Best Sister!- D